Community Spirit Honours

Other Awards

Community Spirit Honours

An Individual/team that has made a Significant Voluntary Contribution

Primary Award Fee


Primary Award Entry Deadline

Monday, Jan 8th, 2024 by 2:11 pm

Submission Requirements

  • Contact details of the individual or team nominated
  • Must have an affiliation with CICBA
  • Picture of the individual or team (if possible)
  • Community Details – detailed write up on engagement
    • Up to 500 words underlining why you are nominating the individual, the history of the individuals’ contributions

**Please refer to Award Submission Criteria for detailed requirements.

Submission Criteria

Community Details: up to 500-word narrative

  • Describing what did the individual or team do
  • Outline why you are nominating the individual or team, the history of the individual or teams’ contribution

Picture of individual or team (if possible)

  • Photos must be high-resolution (300 dpi) color photos, maximum 4MB, approximately 8” x 10”
  • Professional photography is highly recommended

Additional Information

Categories – Community Spirit:

  • CSH1 – Community Spirit Honour

Definition: Honouring and recognizing an individual’s contribution for the betterment and involvement in the community. No Self Nominations (non-competitive)